Tuesday, December 1, 2009

25 Days of Christmas- It Still Feels Good!!!

For Valentines Day Jon wrote 20 things he loves about me. I decided for Christmas this year I would take time each day to list SOME of the things I love about him. It started out being a good idea of a gift I could give to him that didn’t cost money (and then I impulsively went out and got him a big gift anyway- woops). I tell Jon that I love him all the time, but I don’t often tell him why, so I hope you will bare with me over this next month as I take this time to share with him (and I guess all of you) some of the things I love most about him. The first can be told through the song that is playing. It is called “Still Feels Good” by Rascal Flats. Every time this song comes on the radio I think about how well it describes how I feel about our relationship. Jon and I started dating when I was 16. When we first started dating of course there were the those jittery new love feelings of being excited to see him, hug and kiss him, and just hang out together. I am so glad to say that after 5 years of dating, 2 years of writing letters, and 6 ½ years of being married, it still feels good. Like the song says, I think about the first time I held his hand and compare it to now, and it still makes me happy. I still am so excited to see him when he gets home from work and walks in the door. I think about the first kiss after getting married and our kisses now still feel good. I love when we plan dates and he still gets all ready so he's looking nice to take me out. I am so glad to be married to my best friend- someone who makes me feel beautiful, important, and loved everyday. I hope you have a fabulous Christmas season this year Jon. It doesn't matter I've held you a million times- cause it still feels good!


Greco Family said...

You are so cute Kim! I feel so old because I remember when you first started liking Jon and when your friend was dating him. How crazy it has been that long! You two are the cutest couple!

Michelle said...

Kim...I am going to need a whole box of tissues to make it through these posts...all the way til Christmas! Seriously. And remember I was the one who spotted Jonny in the sweater vest at church??!! I love you both.