Saturday, June 21, 2008

Road Trips and Swimming Pools

School is out and life has been great. Busy, but great. The week after school got out, I took Zac and we went with 2 of the teachers that I teach with down to St. George for a couple of days. It was the first time Zac had been in the car that long. He did great till we got to about Cedar City and then he decided he had had enough and he screamed for 40 minutes till we got to St. George. What fun! We went so that I could go to Core Academy which are classes to help teach math and science. They had awesome ideas and I'm excited to use what I got next year. Michelle and Jodi were down at the same time taking their test for National Board (I'm pretty sure that will never happen for me after wathcing what they went through). They watched Zac while I was in class during the day.

Joni, Trish, and I had a great time together. They were nice enough to put up with the work of caring for the 4 month old.

When Zac hangs out with his aunts, he end up with a new wardrobe- we love the orange hat Shell!

We took Zac swimming for the first time while we were down in St. George. He loved it. He has always liked his baths and showers so it was no surprise.

We went to the pool at Jodi's grandparents condo and they have rules against babies being in the pool with diapers on. In fact, if we had gotten caught we would have been charged to drain the pool and have it disinfected. However, since we went at about 4:00, it was dinner time for the folks and there was no one else there. Here's to living on the edge.

The ride back from St. George was much more pleasant- Zac slept almost the entire time. The next week, we went swimming in Morgan. What a fun place. Thanks Grandpa George and Grandma Gwen. We had a fun day.

Jodi had to try on Zac's glasses. Very cool Jodi!

And lastly, I am asking my smart friends for some advice. Zac has gotten better about sleeping through the night, but has now decided that he doesn't need naps- ever. He'll get tired and fall asleep while I'm holding him, but as soon as I put him in his crib he's wide awake and then grumpy the rest of the day. I'm hoping it's just a phase, but I'd love any ideas anyone has for getting him to take his naps. Happy summer to you all.


Greco Family said...

Sounds like you've had tons of fun so far. SO glad you get to spend time with your adorable boy! You look great too. I saw your mom yesterday at Megan's shower. Glad you're doing well.

Michelle said...

Thanks for letting me LOVE the heck out of this little guy! I have had so much fun spending time with you guys this summer...the perfect way to spend my time! The only nap advice I have for you--is just to let ME hold him while he sleeps. Then you can get things done and he still gets his nap :) Perfect solution! Love you!