Friday, December 31, 2010

Jingle Bell Rock

One night I was hanging out with my sister's even before Halloween. Kristen had just found a new Neil Diamond Christmas CD (a classic at our house) and we were listening to a few tunes when Zac found an all time favorite. Jingle Bell Rock came on and boy did this kid start dancing. And dancing and dancing. He came up with some incredible moves and then expected that all of us do them with him (which of course we did, why wouldn't 3 grown woman dance like fools for an adorable 2 year old boy?). I'm pretty sure we listened and danced through this song at least 25 times that night.

All through this season he immediately recognized when the song came on the radio and sang along word for word. One day he was with my mother in law at the store buying a new phone and the song came on. He had all the employees amazed as he put on a nice song and dance performance. Oh how I love this boy.


Kristen said...

Oh my! I DO look like a fool. Good thing I love that little boy of yours!

Swenson Family said...

Wow he is getting so big!