Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some News

We are so excited for April!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


July was fantastic. Zac and I had our routine going strong and we found so many fun things to do. I got to go to the Children's Museum for the first time (Zac has been many times before with others). What a fun place. He was busy the whole time and didn't want to leave. His favorite part was the real helicopter that you can sit in and do the controls.

4th of July was pretty low key. BBQ with family and then the Sandy fireworks. It was fun as always.
If we let him, Zac would be carrying a bag of chips with him where ever he went. Funny kid.

My mom and I taking pictures of each other to pass the time.
And if my grandma looked at my blog, she might be mad at me, but this hair cover brings back lots of memories. It always come out when it gets windy, and it was rather hilarious trying to get it on this time with the wind. Love you grandma.

There was more boating on grandpa's yellow boat of course. (Zac got to go with grandpa just a couple of weeks ago to put the boat in storage for the winter, and there were tears shed. Not many people love to go boating on it more than Zac and that is saying something in this family.)

His grandpa lets him drive all the time. Zac really likes to go in circles. It gets a little scary.
For the 24th of July, Jon's mom was in charge of the neighborhood parade and breakfast that they do. Zac participated in the parade for about a block, and then watched as the rest of it went by. That kid does have mean flag waving skills though.
Zac loves watching shows on whatever ipod he can con out of someone. As he's watching, he gets himself into the strangest positions and will sit there for like that for the whole show. Here is just one example. Crazy what he finds comfortable.
That afternoon he thought it was important that he help water grandma's flowers. It ended up just being a fun time playing in the water and an opportunity to show off his muscles.

Scary, I know. Don't mess with him.

At the beginning of the summer I wanted to have a work out goal that would push me. I decided that I want to run in a 10K. I really do enjoy running, but my go to distance is 3 miles. It takes me about a half hour and I'm good with it. Nice work out. I didn't ever see the need to go further than that. But I decided that if I trained, I could double that. It was fun to work at over the summer. I got some good runs in and on the 25th of July I ran in the Salt Lake Deseret News 10K. It was really fun. I went a lot faster than any of my training runs (I beat my time by about 8 minutes) and finished in about 54 minutes. The last part was rough, but I was proud of myself for achieving my goal. No walking even, and I only almost fell over at the end.

After the race, we had a family reunion with Jon's family. It was at a swimming complex in Ogden and a lot of fun. I didn't end up taking a lot of pictures, but we had a good time.
As I sit here typing on this very snowy day, it is fun to think about what a great summer we had. Zac calls morning, or the sun being out, summer time. For example if he wants me to get out of bed, he'll tell me it's summer time. Oh, how I wish it were true.