Sunday, March 7, 2010


Since it's been a month now, I thought it would probably be good to post some pictures about Zac's birthday. Once again I think I had more fun with it than he did, but someday I think he'll appreciate it more. I was telling some people at school what kind of cake I was going to make and they told me to be careful because if I start out making fancy cakes that I will be stuck doing it forever because that is what they will expect. I told her that was OK with me because I think it's fun to have an excuse to make a fun cake.

We decided to take another bear picture. Someone was asking me why I hadn't been doing it anymore and I figured that no one cared about them at 21 months, however I thought it would be fun to keep it up on his birthdays. Here's a comparison between one and two.

I can't believe he is so big.

After church we went to get things ready at my parents house. Zac missed his nap with everything that was going on- and well that made for an interesting night. We decided to do a jungle theme birthday because Zac's favorite color is green. He loved the green balloons and he has learned to sing happy birthday with lots of enthusiasm.
I made him an alligator cake- more green!
We had some awesome pizza for dinner which is Zac's favorite.
And then we opened presents.

By this time the lack of nap was becoming apparent and mom got to open most them. Our family is so kind to this little boy. Man was he spoiled.
We got him his own computer because he loves anything with "puttons". But I wanted to show off the quilt in the background that my mom made. It is an "I spy" quilt and Zac loves it. It has to be layed out on his floor and we find things on it everyday. Seriously, my mother is so talented.

We blew out candles, eat cake, threw a fit, and had a bath...

The first video is cute of him playing in the tub. The second is for Michelle- and what you are teaching my son to say and teach the other kids around him and get me in trouble.

I can't express how much I love this little boy. I had been an amazing 2 years. I am lucky that I get to be his mom forever. He is so smart and has such a fun sense of humor. Each day I am in awe of what he has learned and what he can do. It is helping through his new phase of throwing some amazing tantrums. He is a special kid. I'm so glad to be a part of his life.