Monday, September 6, 2010

A Day at the Zoo

The day before Zac broke his arm , my mom and sister and I went to the zoo. It reaffirmed to me why we weren't taking him on vacation with us. He didn't want to stay in the stroller. He just wanted to walk all by himself. Even though he was a bit of a pain, there were fun part to the day. He loved the animals and especially loved the carousel. He went again later in the summer and it went better.

The baby elephant was so dang cute.
He loved climbing up to the slide, but screamed the whole way coming down.
This one pretty much sums it up.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Hi Kim,
I found your blog through Emily, hope you don't mind! It was fun to catch up and see what you have been up to. Your little boy is so cute!